Welcome to our beloved shop - Chickadee Seed & Feed! I'm Missi Salzberg, the store owner.
Growing up in New England, I have always had a crush on the black-capped chickadee! They are adorable and tough and resourceful, and have a beautiful song to sing.
When I was young, my family vacationed on Cape Cod in Eastham, renting a little house on Samoset Road. It was paradise spending a week with my mom, not working at the shop, hanging out at the beach, and eating more lobster than I care to remember!
In one of my fondest memories, my mom would have us stand as still as possible in the backyard, black oil sunflower seeds in our palms, and she guaranteed us that if we were patient enough, the chickadees would fly down and steal a seed.
As it is my nature, I was a skeptic! Lo and behold, however, after a few minutes of breathing as softly as possible and not flinching, the first little bird zoomed down from the scrub pine and landed on the tip of my finger. The chickadee examined me for a moment, snagged a seed, and was gone again!
Once that first brave little bird discovered the stash, they kept coming and coming, over and over again. I was certain I was the only kid on the planet that birds trusted this much! Forget the beach and surf and dunes. I could have stayed there all day feeding those wild, winged ones!
Recapture that magic feeling by inviting the theatre of wildlife into your own backyard! Whether it's feeding the birds, raising your own chicks, or sharing your back lot with a group of goats (like we do!), at Chickadee Seed & Feed we recognize the magic that animals bring into our lives. For all of us who are always on the go-go-go, settle into a Sunday morning with the newspaper, and your hummingbirds, and enjoy the magic in your own backyard! Stop by today and check out our wonderful inventory!
Be sure to learn about our dear resident cat Mooshi - read about him on his Instagram account!
Located in Walpole, MA, Chickadee Seed & Feed specializes in barn supplies, feed, grain, gifts, and items for dogs, cats, and wild birds. Pet are welcome in the store. Local products. Will order items not in stock. Stop by for your feed and seed needs.
Walpole, MA
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